
Moon and sixpence logoThe Moon & Sixpence Puppet Theatre is committed to operating in a professional manner and to the provision of children’s and family entertainment and education to the best possible standards.

To this end, we try to meet our responsibilities in all our activities and adopt best practice in ensuring that we continue to meet these standards. We try to operate to standards of best practice on a variety of fronts and have developed a range of policies to guide us in this regard.

Privacy Policy:
This website is owned and operated by the The Moon & Sixpence Puppet Theatre, which is committed to protecting the privacy of users of moonandsixpencepuppettheatre.com.

Purpose of Site: This website has been designed, created, and is coordinated by The Moon & Sixpence Puppet Theatre to promote and inform you about the work of the theatre. Any data that you share with us via moonandsixpencepuppettheatre.com will be processed and stored in compliance with the EU General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR), as enacted in the Data Protection Bill 2018. This website may include links to other external sites. The Moon & Sixpence is not responsible for the content or quality of any material contained on these sites and links should not be taken as an endorsement. We would advise you to check the privacy policy of any website that you may have concerns about. If you wish to discuss this policy or any other matters relating to our privacy policies generally, you can email privacy@moonandsixpence.ie or write to us at: Data Protection, Moon & Sixpence Puppet Theatre, 50 Copeland Avenue, Clontarf, Dublin D03 W9P5.

Collection and Use of Personal Information: The information that you provide to us will be used only for its stated purpose. It is our policy never to share your information to any third party. We will never sell your information or disclose it to external parties unless obliged to disclose such information by a rule of law.

Child Protection Policy:
The Moon & Sixpence Puppet Theatre is committed to a child-centred approach to our work with children and young people. The welfare of any child or young person who is taking part in, or observing, a workshop or performance, is paramount and we undertake to provide a safe environment and experience for any child or young person participating in our activities. We adhere to the recommendations of Children First: National Guidelines for the Protection and Welfare of Children, published by the Department of Children and Youth Affairs. A copy of our Child Protection Policy is available on request, as are Garda Vetting Certificates for each of our puppeteers.

Safety Statement:
The Moon & Sixpence Puppet Theatre is committed to working in accordance with the provisions of the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act 2005 and other associated legislation. The theatre has developed a comprehensive safety statement, in line with our obligations, and is regularly reviewed and updated as the need arises. A copy of this safety statement is available on request.

Public Liability Insurance:
We hold public liability insurance cover to the value of €6.5 million to meet our indoor and outdoor performances across the island of Ireland. A copy of this insurance policy is available on request.

Taxation & Statutory Obligations:
Ireland’s travelling marionette theatre is tax compliant and is registered for income tax and VAT. A tax clearance certificate is available, where necessary.