The Moon and Sixpence Puppet Theatre specialises in performances for primary schools. We provide very different marionette productions for junior and senior classes, with the storylines highlighting issues such as friendship, persistence, patience, recycling and bullying.
Those in the junior cycle never tire of the traditional tales such as Little Red Riding Hood, Jacqueline and the Beanstalk or Cinder-Éile! They are particularly delighted to have these familiar stories played out before them, with references to their school and locality – and with a Moon & Sixpence twist to the tale to capture their imaginations!
The older Primary schoolchildren, while still loving the traditional stories, are more interested in an original storyline. Our senior cycle shows provide a panto-style marionette production with the all-important moral to be learned / reminded.
We typically cover schools in Leinster, but do visit other parts of the country occasionally – having performed for schools in Dingle and Donegal! Given the nature and scale of what we do, it is usually only viable to visit schools of more than 200 pupils.

Backstage Pass
Our visits to Primary Schools often include a “backstage pass” for sixth class pupils, who get to see and hear how the show is developed and performed.
Whenever we can, we like to share the secret backstage world of the marionettes with older pupils. This experience can feed into their English, Art or Speech & Drama classes – or perhaps inspire a future generation of puppeteers!